Safe Place Supporter

A Safe Place Supporter is an individual that promotes Safe Place by helping raise awareness of the program, spreading the word to friends and other peers. The efforts of Safe Place Supporters are critical in creating a world where all youth are safe. You can be a Safe Place Supporter just by sharing the word!  Here are ways you can help keep youth safe:

Learn about Safe Place

This website provides lots of information about what Safe Place is and how it works. We’ve also provided some facts here for convenience.

Become an NSP Week Supporter

Support National Safe Place (NSP) Week and help expand Safe Place awareness, strengthen community engagement, and recognize those working to keep youth safe. 

Support NSP Week for $1,000 or more and make a lasting impact! Your investment includes:

  • Recognition on the NSP Week webpage and materials
  • Social media spotlight during NSP Week
  • Helping fuel education, outreach, and recognition efforts for youth safety
Invest in youth today.

Together, we can ensure every young person has a safe place to turn in times of crisis.

Spread the Word

Sample Social Media Posts

Safe Place provides a vital connection to safety and support for youth in [insert your city, state, county] and across the country. Learn how young people can access safety—whenever they need it—at

Teens, if you’re in trouble or need help, text SAFE and your current location (address, city, state) to 44357 for immediate help. Within seconds, you’ll receive a message with the closest Safe Place location.  You can reply with “2Chat” to text interactively with a mental health professional for more help. It’s available 24/7 and it’s quick, easy, safe and confidential.

Did you know teens can access immediate help and support through text messaging? That’s right! TXT 4 HELP is a nationwide, text-for-support service for youth in crisis. Users can text the word “SAFE” and their current location (city, state, zip) to 44357. Within seconds, they’ll receive a message with information about the closest Safe Place location and the phone number for the local youth shelter. Youth also have the option to text interactively with a mental health professional for more help. #TXT4HELP is quick, easy, safe, and confidential! Learn more at

Did you know there are more than 20,000 Safe Place locations across the United States where youth can access immediate help and safety? It’s true! These designated Safe Place locations open their doors to support young people in need, providing a vital connection to supportive services. Learn more at #KeepKidsSafe

Safe Place benefits communities across the nation by providing every child access to immediate help and safety in a crisis situation. But the program only works if children and teens know how and when to ask for help. Do your part by learning about Safe Place at, informing others, and getting involved. #KeepKidsSafe #SafePlace

We’d love to hear where you’re sharing support.
Click here to let us know where to thank you.

Want to increase your level of involvement?
Become a Safe Place Ambassador! Click here to learn more.

Thank you for your dedication to youth. 
Your support strengthens the safety net for young people across the country.

Please contact [email protected] if you have questions or would like additional information.


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